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A popular video game’s AI has gone rogue and a thirteen-year-old gamer is the world’s only chance at saving humanity from its villainy.

 Saving the world from AI. Final Video Game is a gaming sci-fi novel.

Thirteen-year-old Oliver has moved to a new town and school with his mom after his dad vanished over a year ago. Leaving his best friend David behind, he’s begun a tentative friendship with his classmate Logan, who spend time together playing the world’s most popular video game series, Razer. But when fellow gamers start falling into “Gamer Comas”—more than sixty million worldwide—they learn that the artificial intelligence of the game has become massively powerful and impossible to control.

The AI – A self obsessed, cringe talking, jive talking, gangster talking, rap loving program; has gone rogue and is harnessing the neural brain power of gamers through their headsets to launch an attack to take over the world’s infrastructure and hold everyone hostage.

Realising that the only way to stop it is to beat the AI at its own video game, the worlds governments rush to recruit the very segment of the population that the AI is targeting – Teens.

Now Oliver and Logan have become part of the teen army of gaming assault troops, sent in to a virtual video game battlefield as part of a coordinated global strike, to force their way into the AI’s mainframe and take it down…before it’s too late.

A humorous, thought-provoking and intellectual story about our existence among and reliance on computers, technology, and the rising use of artificial intelligence.


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Upper Middle Grade AI Gaming Science Fiction Novel.

Find me on Goodreads here: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/23087038.Craig_Speakes

More books by me: https://finalvideogame.com/more-by-craig-speakes/